In an interview with Tavis Smiley, Will Smith asserted that he wants to represent an idea, a possibility of magic. He related to the metaphor of alchemy, turning lead into gold. He meant this not literally, but metaphorically, of transforming his personality into soul. We can see by the arc of his life that he is doing this beautifully.
I love his courage to express these ideas freely and to take a stand for the idea of creating his own reality. I applaud his commitment to lead his fans down the same path that his grandmother guided him on. Will shared that she was the one who encouraged him to think about much greater possibilities than he was able to envision for himself as a young boy.
We each need a grandmother figure with a bigger vision. Why not let Will Smith stand for that grandmother figure in your life? Let him inspire you to see a bigger vision with greater possibilities. Check out his video interview where he shared his desire to represent an idea of possibility.
Will Smith Interview on His Inspirational Ideas.
What do you want to represent? Can you open to a larger possibility than you have yet allowed yourself to see? On the brink of 2010, I feel so positive about the future! We have so much to be grateful for in the USA. We have so much potential to create! But the key to future expansion is to envision the future as bright and positive. It is way too easy to focus on a declining economy. I am committed to seeing all that happens for the highest good. Even our economic downturn offers the possibility of transformation if we can learn from it.
Let’s see ourselves becoming stronger from our current experiences. Let’s transform the lead of our economic slowdown into a golden opportunity to express our soul’s intent. Look for the gold in your life now! Regardless of what is happening in your outer world, look for the lessons you are meant to be learning. As you learn the lessons of this moment, new possibilities open up in front of you. New visions occur naturally when you accept the challenges of the current situation and trust that all is happening for the good.
In the coming months of 2010, get ready to create, to have life open up for more possibilities. Get ready to turn lead of your life into gold! Let Will Smith inspire you to greater creation.