January 2010
by Sandra Zimmer
In 1982, during a deep meditation, I heard a clear, strong, spiritual voice say, “Sandra, all you have to do is receive!” Startled from my meditation, I cried, “But how do I do that?” I have spent all these years since learning to receive; and I suppose this will be a life-long assignment for me.
Christmas and New Years always stimulates my thinking about receiving on many levels. One of the great gifts of coaching people for presentations is the pleasure of receiving ideas and insights from my clients that enhance my own life.
Recently I have been coaching Dr. Mike Kesner, a dentist who has built a four million dollar dental practice in the last four years. What Dr. Mike is doing now (and the reason I am coaching him for persuasion) is training other dentists to make their businesses as profitable as his. You might think that his prosperity alone is enough to be inspired. I certainly was. Yet as we worked through his script for his training program, I heard and received a more valuable message.
As a part of Mike’s introductory talk to his dentist audiences, he shares that the money is not the real reason for creating such a prosperous dental practice. The real reason is to be able to contribute more fully to the world – to affect the lives of not only his family and those of his staff, but also to impact others around the world. As a result of his success, Mike contributes to Heifer International and to an organization that drills fresh water wells in impoverished communities all around the world. As he shares this fact, Mike’s face and personality light up. Usually a quiet, low-key person, he fills with passion and joy as he speaks of the ability he now has to contribute greatly to such organizations.
What a great reason for opening ourselves to receive more abundantly – we can make a bigger difference in the world. We can contribute to the lives of others. So here’s to receiving ideas, insights, money, love, relationships and spiritual energy. Regardless of our spiritual orientation, opening our hearts and minds to let more come in can not only transform our own lives, but the lives of all others we can touch as a result of our own ability to receive.
As Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, the current spiritual leader of Kriya Yoga International Organization recently said, “Never think that you don’t have enough; instead, always think that you not only have enough, but you have something to give to others. If you have knowledge and ideas, let it be used for the benefit of all. If you have wealth and treasure, let a part of it be used in service of the needy. If you have physical ability, let this strength be used to help others.”
So, what are you willing to receive? If you thought that you could contribute abundantly to the lives of others, would it allow you to receive more? Thanks to Dr. Mike Kesner for opening my mind to this thought.