Individual Communication Coaching

Sandra Zimmer offers individual communication coaching to leaders, emerging leaders and professionals. Sandra can coach you for public speaking & presentation, transforming fear of public speaking, keynote speeches, voice & diction, accent reduction, leadership presence & gravitas, executive communication, interview preparation, persuasion & influence and video presence & performance.

Sandra starts by helping you clarify your communication goals and ultimate vision. She will then customize a coaching program for your unique situation focused on achieving your immediate communication goals and long-term vision.

Sandra’s coaching style is supportive and builds on your natural strengths. She has a gift for seeing who people are and for drawing out the best from each client. The result is a style of communication that is based on being who you are rather than who you think you should be.

Sandra Zimmer offers individual communication skill coaching in-person and by video conference. She coaches Monday through Friday from 12 noon to 5 PM Central Time.

Most clients meet for an hour session about every two weeks, but scheduling sessions can be flexible to accommodate deadlines.

Individual coaching takes place at the Self-Expression Center, 11221 Richmond Avenue, Building C, Suite 104, Houston, Texas, 77082. Video Conferencing such as Zoom is also available for clients not in the Houston area.

Public Speaking

Sandra Zimmer offers individual coaching in public speaking. Public speaking success depends upon feeling safe to communicate ideas and expertise authentically and persuasively in meetings, presentations, public speaking and sales pitches. Sandra guides you to improve public speaking in a non-critical, totally supportive atmosphere. Through her Sandra Zimmer Method, you become calm, comfortable and confident to share your stories, ideas, insights and expertise to groups.

More on Public Speaking Classes.

Fear of Public Speaking

Sandra Zimmer offers individual coaching to overcome fear of public speaking, public speaking anxiety and stage fright. Sandra gently guides you to release stage fright and public speaking anxiety which she calls the tension of being the center of attention. Her unique method frees you to feel safe being who you are at the center of attention and teaches you to express yourself confidently in front of others.

More on Fear of Public Speaking.

Voice and Diction

Sandra Zimmer teaches individual voice and diction techniques using The Lessac Voice Method Kinesensics. Having a beautiful speaking voice tone with clear articulation enhances your ability to communicate with and influence others. Other people make unconscious decisions about whether to trust you based on your tone of voice and your pronunciation. Master Voice Teacher, Sandra Zimmer, will guide you through speaking voice training to resonate your speaking voice, improve your diction, increase your voice projection and enhance your confidence.

More on Voice and Diction.

Keynote Speech and Presentation Coaching

If you have been asked to give a keynote speech, presentation at a conference, board meeting or townhall, Sandra Zimmer can help you craft and deliver your speech. She will guide you to become present, comfortable, and confident so you speak from your zone of brilliance and shine when you speak.

More on Keynote Speech and Presentation Coaching.

Accent Reduction and Speaking English Clearly

Sandra Zimmer teaches individual accent reduction. Sandra’s Speaking English Clearly is an accent reduction and accent modification program that helps global professionals pronounce the sounds of English correctly. The goal of this coaching is to make non-native English speakers easier to understand when they speak English with their native accents.

More on Accent Reduction and Speaking English Clearly.

Leadership Presence and Gravitas

Sandra Zimmer coaches leaders individually to embody the characteristics of leadership presence and gravitas. Individual coaching for leadership presence and gravitas is tailored to your unique situation and goals. This program is for leaders at all levels of organizations and companies.

More on Leadership Presence & Gravitas.

Executive Presence

Individual coaching to transform your leadership style so you embody executive presence and gravitas. The result is an executive presence that radiates authority and reflects your authentic self. This coaching is for executives and managers who are becoming executives.

More on Executive Presence.

Interview Preparation

Sandra Zimmer coaches professionals for individual interview preparation. Successful interviews show the interviewer who you are and how you can add value to the organization, company or school.  Sandra helps you tell your persuasive stories, share your expertise and demonstrate how you can add value to the organization…all the while being your authentic self. You’ll feel prepared and even eager to interview.

More on Interview Preparation.

Persuasion & Influence

Sandra Zimmer coaches you individually through the steps of creating an authentically persuasive message. To be persuasive, you must design your message to create trust. Your message must help listeners know you’re an expert, feel you care and believe you can really help them.

More on Persuasion & Influence.

Video On-Camera Presence

Sandra Zimmer offers individual coaching for video and on-camera presence. She helps you enhance your personal image, so you look and sound good on video. Picture yourself totally relaxed speaking confidently on video, your presence radiating through the lens to connect with viewers. Imagine yourself delivering important ideas to hundreds even thousands of viewers! Sandra teaches you to present yourself on-camera authentically, so you connect with viewers easily speaking to their hearts and minds.

More on Video On-Camera Presence.

Set Up a Complimentary Consultation With Sandra

If you think I might be the right coach for you, please schedule a free 20-minute coaching session.

Together we’ll clarify your communication goals. I’ll also answer your questions about my services and how I can help you.

Let’s talk!

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