Be Calm Now

A Breathing Meditation
Guided by Sandra Zimmer

Here’s the link to your free audio recording!


Are you tense and anxious about speaking in a meeting, presentation or interview?

My BE CALM NOW breathing meditation is a quick way to lose the jitters, get calm and into your zone for speaking…in just a few minutes! Use the power of your breath to chase away public speaking anxiety!

Breathing forcefully and intentionally through the nose is the natural way to clear anxiety before you speak in front of groups. It helps you get out of your head and into your body where you will experience a relaxing inner flow that makes you feel safer to speak authentically.

My BE CALM NOW 18-minute audio will guide you through four powerful breathing sequences to release your nervous jitters. When taking three deep breaths is just not enough, do this is dynamic breathing meditation to clear your body of tension and your mind of fear.

It will help you:

  • Drop into a state of inner calm before you speak in groups.
  • Clear your mind so you can focus on what you want to say.
  • Free your energy to be spontaneous and in the moment.
  • Make genuine connection with listeners.
  • Be confident so you make the impact you want.

Here’s the link to your free audio recording!


Hi, I’m Sandra Zimmer, the founder, president and chief star-maker at Self-Expression Center. In overcoming my own horrible fear of public speaking, I discovered a method that transforms people with stage fright into stars at speaking…just by being themselves. In the past 30 years, I’ve helped thousands of sensitive achievers from around the world transform public speaking anxiety into confidence to speak authentically from their hearts.