Audio 3 – Sandra Zimmer on Small Business Today Radio about Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking
John Cruise, host of John Cruise, host of Small Business Today Radio Show, interviews Sandra Zimmer about overcoming fear of public speaking and stage fright in order to advance one’s career. Sandra tells the story of experiencing a state of presence that transformed her connection with the audience and how that experience inspired her to develop her method of transforming stage fright.
John shares his story about his own stage fright and how uncomfortable he was being the center of attention in school. Sandra reveals the secret is to relax into being who you are in front of others. When you put your attention on the inner tension, it releases into a flow state of comfort and presence.
John and Sandra discuss authenticity. Sandra calls for a new model for public speaking that is more authentic. She maintains that the prevailing model for public speaking is “Never let them see you sweat.” That old model does not allow people to relax and be real. Sandra references Steve jobs as a speaker who was authentic. The reason so many people admired Steve Jobs’ speaking style was that he was authentic. He was present not perfect, telling his real stories and allowing his real feelings to come through when he talked.
John asks how introverts can learn to speak publicly. Sandra responds that the key for introverted speakers is passion. Introverts are inspired by their own passion. When they lead with real passion, introverts can become brilliant speakers.
They discuss the positive aspect of stage fright as potential to be brilliant. Sandra says that people with stage fright have high intensity emotion or passion energy that they can use to create genuine emotional connection with listeners. Once people with stage fright can channel that energy through their bodies, they can inspire listeners.
Sandra and John talk about persuasion and speaking to sell ideas, insights, expertise, products and services.
Finally they discuss Sandra’s book, It’s Your Time to Shine: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, Develop Authentic presence and Speak from Your Heart, and Sandra tells a story about a client who won an international speech competition.
Listen to more free audios on public speaking at Sandra Zimmer’s Free Audio Series on Overcoming Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking.