Audio 1 – Sandra Zimmer on Peggy Sue Skipper Radio Show about Transformational Public Speaking
Peggy Sue Skipper, host of Consciously Curious Radio, interviews Sandra Zimmer of Self-Expression Center to reveal deeper understanding of public speaking as a transformational process. Sandra shares what it takes to speak from the authentic zone and with a style that allows a speaker to become an instrument through which spirit can speak.
She notes the biggest stumbling block to authentic speaking is misinterpreting the feelings that happen in the body when you become the center of attention. Most people judge themselves as having fear instead of sensing the potential energy of the psychophysical energy as potential passion. You can learn to open up and use that psychophysical energy to connect genuinely with listeners, touching them on a deeper level.
Peggy Sue and Sandra agree that public speaking should feel good to the speaker, not just look good to the audience. When you can open up at the center of attention, speaking flows freely and the body moves easily to express the inner thoughts and feelings. Sandra tells some stories about clients who have used her speaking techniques and shares details about her Transformational Speaking Weekend Workshop.
Listen to more free audios on public speaking at Sandra Zimmer’s Free Audio Series on Overcoming Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking.