Press Release – Book offers new ways to overcome businesspersons’ No.1 fear – public speaking

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Sandra Zimmer
The Self-Expression Center
281-293-7070 Main
281-389-4224 Mobile

Founder of Houston’s Self-Expression Center publishes “It’s Your Time to Shine”

While millions of Americans are willing to ham it up on YouTube and share intimate details via social media, the fear of public speaking remains the nation’s greatest phobia – especially for business people and professionals who are called upon to address groups both large and small.

To overcome stage fright, the key is not to imitate the extroverts but to embrace your inner introvert, according to a new book that turns traditional methods of teaching public speaking on their head.

Rather than viewing their stage fright as a sign that something is wrong with themselves, people should see their fear as a friend which can lead them to speak passionately, argues stage fright expert Sandra Zimmer in her new book, “It’s Your Time To Shine: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, Develop Authentic Presence and Speak from Your Heart.”

Just released, the book is available on and at, where a free download offers a sample chapter and table of contents.

Founder of The Self-Expression Center in Houston, Zimmer is a former actress who transformed her own stage fright experiences into The Zimmer Method, a fusion of self-help psychology, self-esteem building exercises, public speaking and acting methods, and physiological awareness.

Public speaking does not have to be perfect to be effective, nor do people have to change themselves to become strong speakers, said Zimmer, who has taught public speaking for 20 years.

“Even the shyest person has tremendous potential for developing powerful stage presence and charisma,” said Zimmer. “The key is for people to develop a style of speaking that is authentic to them, meaning that shy or introverted people can remain true to themselves and speak from their hearts without having to pretend to be extroverts. In fact, shy people often become some of the best speakers, because their fear is a sign of a wonderful sensitivity, which can be transformed into a powerful way to connect with people. “

As outlined in her book, many of Zimmer’s core concepts go against traditional ways of teaching public speaking. Rather than asking readers to cover up their tension and fear, she teaches them to explore their tension until it turns into positive energy and enthusiasm. She advises readers to avoid self-criticism, and shares tips for confronting negative self-talk. Rather than advising speakers to stick to a pre-written script, Zimmer offers useful techniques such as “stringing beads” to craft quick and compelling presentations, and “letting it come out rough” instead of worrying about perfection – the pursuit of which paralyzes so many speakers with fear. Zimmer also shares her unique 15-minute grounding exercise, which she calls “the most effective stage fright antidote.”

Topics for some of the book’s 11 chapters include Developing Presence, How to Come Home to Your Body, Confronting Negative Self-Talk, Thinking on Your Feet, and Organizing Your Presentation. At 212 pages, the book is priced $16.99, and is the latest release from Zimmer and The Self-Expression Center, which has also produced audio CDs and downloads including “Speaking from the Heart,” “Ground Yourself for Star Quality Presence,” and “Presence, Charisma, Leadership Aura and Star Quality.” All can be purchased or downloaded at

About The Self-Expression Center

The Self-Expression Center was founded in 1992 in Houston, Texas by Sandra Zimmer. Zimmer earned a BA in Psychology, MA in Theatre and Doctorate in Esoteric Philosophy. Through combining her experience and degrees, Zimmer developed training programs that help people connect with their natural abilities to express themselves. Most of her clients are business professionals from a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, energy companies, engineering and architecture firms, law firms, medical organizations, real estate and high tech consultants. The Self-Expression Center offers individual coaching, group courses and corporate training programs in Zimmer’s method to develop an authentic style of speaking to groups.